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Museums and palace-and-park ensembles of Yekaterinburg suburbs
Suburbs of Yekaterinburg.

SUBURBS. Inclined Stone Tower


There are many legends and secrets associated with the tower. It was built when the owner of Nevyansk plant was Demiov. The legends say that not only cast-iron, iron and copper were produced on the plant for three hundred years but silver and gold were fused and did it secretly. Once in 1732 a state inspector were sent to the Urals. Demidov, being in St. Petersbur that time, sent his courier to Nevyansk. This courier came to Nevyansk earlier and Demidov's stewards had time to clear everything away. The state inspector didn't find the trace of any silver ore or silver fusion. The legend says that workers who minted silver coins for Demidov were sunk in the basement of the tower to hide the traces of the crime. People say that from that time the tower inclined just as a sign of Demidov's cruelty and as a memory of innocent people death. What is it, the myth or true story? But restorers have taken a scrape of the soot in the inner part of the furnace and found the high concentration of silver and gold in it!

You can visit an acoustic room in the tower. If you and your friend stand in opposite corners of the room you'll hear the whisper of your friend so clear as he would speak to you in your ear. Legend says that it let Demidov hear everything told in the remote corners of the tower. 

The tower has a clock with a carillon ( chime of bells). Their mechanism was restored and the bells are chiming again the melodies of 1730 year!

We can't help writing about the first lightning rod in the world! That is here, the bell with the thorns crowning the top of the tower.

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