Vladivostok Aquarium (Oceanarium)

MUSEUMS. Vladivostok Aquarium (Oceanarium) 

  • 4, Batareynaya Street
  • Open from Tuesday through Sunday, from 10.00 am to 06.00 pm;
    on Monday, from 11.00 am to 06.00 pm 

It was opened in 1991. There are two main sections in the Oceanarium. They are museum exhibits and a live exposition. The museum part includes the inhabitants of the seas and coasts of the Far East. You’ll find here a cranium of the famous Stellerovaya cow that became extinct in the 18th century, a stuffed ancient cluster-finned fish, Latimeria, and collections of shells, corals and sponges. 

Visiting live exposition you’ll see 86 species and over 1800 samples in the aquariums, representing a variety of inhabitants found in the Gulf of Peter the Great and other water reservoirs of Primorye (Japan and Okhotsk Seas). Dioramas of sealing ground and rookery are worth seeing. 

There is a Dolphinarium close to the Oceanarium. Dolphinarium is a floating fish well established in Sportivnaya Gavan. Some fur seals and white whales are kept there. A show takes place here three times a day.

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